Alone in the blue

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Tue 20 May 2014 00:07
22 05 18 S 177 30 01 W
We were the only boat to leae Minera yesterday and
did so as an airforce Orion conducted a custome check by radio . Leaing
the security ofthe reef we set off in fairly good conditions with a
following 20 knt breeze which sped us on our way and still holds now so we make
good [progress. Last night we wathed from afar a splendid light show as a big
lightening storm raged inthe icinity of the reef we had acated
eaarlier. all is weel and if the weather holds we should reach
Nieafu Thursday morning . We hae plenty of fuel left and infact enough to motor
to our destination should we hae too