More Trials and Tribulations

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Fri 30 May 2014 04:24
18 39 57 S 173 59 01W
Things are good in Nieafu . So far we hae escaped
the chicken something epedemic and ther don't seem to be many mosquitos around .
The weather has been good and we hae spent a few nightsnat anchor . Penny still
gets greeted eery where a s a long lost friend and presented with fruit
On the downside our log {it measures distance has
failed and the sea talk system which connects the instruments is not talking
.But a fellow yachtsman has offerred to bring uss a new one from the USA so
things look up . And the V small case doeanot work on this keyboard
World ARC is in town ( a round the world yacht
rally } so plenty of us here