Photographer by Appointment

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Wed 2 Jul 2014 05:43
We hae spent the week on a mooring off Nieafu town
enjoying the royal isit . At last all the instruments are working and we hae AIS
in the cockpit; this is a system which displays us to other ships and them to
Yesterday we watched with the KIng the school
children of Tonga dance for the King .It was on the rugby field . the King and
QUeen sat in a special throned tent with the nobles in other tents on either
side . We watched from the embankment untill I decided to walk down to the
nobles tent .I complimented the lady at the entrance on how beautifully the
children danced and she
very pleased . I took this as an invite to enter the tent with the nobles
and crouched between the official caamera of Tonga TV and the comentator just 20
metres from his Majesty . I took oer 200 excellent photos including some very
good ones of the King , The Queen and the Crown Prince