anchoring/grounding and water

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 15 Jun 2013 23:40
Being deprived of the genset has made us very
appreciative of the watermaker.Yesterday we hauled up 60m of anchorb to move
back to Utoroa to find water.But first the cable jammed in the guide for the
gypsey and the winlass had to be dismantled before we could move. Finding water
was difficult since all the marinas are full with parked sunsail cats Must be
very poor trade still).Eventually got it at a fuel station.10£ for as much as we
wanted.They still seemed surprised when we took 540 ltrs.Finally moored to a
buoy in Faaroa inlet.
The water inside the reef is 30-40 metres here so
anchoring is difficult.The edges are very steep and one moves to 1.5 m very
quickly.This morning we were trying to get into shallower water of an
reccommended marae when we ran out of depth.Going dead slow and quick
reactions got us of.
Now at anchor on the reef snorkeling.