Afloat again

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 22 Mar 2014 20:59
35 43 68 S 174 20 02 E
It has been a busy week after the cyclone . Prparing the boat for launch and then launching . All work is now complete and this week the genset is commissioned and the sails will be put back on .
We found time for a little exploring after launch and on Friday drove to Durgaville, a sleepy timber town on the west coast for fish lunch and then on to view the ancient Kauri trees which still survive in pockets of rain forest . Some of these massive trees;the second tallest in the world are over 1200yrs years old . They have huge trunks measuring 5m + and very small tubular and fragile root systems so one has to keep to the prepared path .
Car goes back tomorrow and we start to prepare for a shake down cruise ro Great Barrier island and the Coromandel peninsular at the end of the week