
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Fri 8 Mar 2013 19:58
11 25 13N 75 57 92 W
The day started early with rising wind and
sea.Thanks be that I resisted any idea of continueing with the faulty No1 and
changed to the much smaller No2 jib.The wind was from astern and
increasedto39knt at its peak this morning.Seas were around 6mand
breaking.Naturely visability was good and it was sunny.Boat sailed impecably
downwind at about 7knt always presented thestern to the wave and wind.Maximum
speed was 10.9knt.
None of the crew had seen conditions like this
before,myself in that I associate them with cold and rain.
Things are settling now although it is difficult to
write this.