Vega Bay , Beqa

18 24 11 S 178 06 13 E We left Suva having partly completed business . We enjoyed the town and the food . Excellent dental services and a prompt repair to the outboard . I need to return next week for further dental work so off for a few days . The sail to Beqa which is home to
the firewalkers was more windy than expected so we made entrance through the reef further west than I had hoped for to avoid big swells in Sulphur pass . Vega bay is very protected but subject to violent williwaws in the conditions overnight and this morning
. There is a small villge where we will do ' sevu sevu' ' later . At present we are making water . The Vodafone signal here is strong and fast . I will dive on the anchor when the sun comes out . It is holding rock hard which suggests we may be hooked into
coral and may have problems getting it back |