Day 104: Enjoying the cool air

Soutpiel Safari
John & Jenny
Thu 17 Feb 2011 09:29
Day 104: Wednesday 16 February 2011. Presbyterian
Synod Office, Buea, Cameroon N04 09.692 E009 13.973
Distance driven 0 km
At dawn it was so cool that I actually put on a sweater. We caught up
on Internet, Jenny worked all day and I went exploring Buea, lunching on
delicious chicken brochettes and fried plantain with a spicy peanut sauce and a
large cool beer.
In the evening we met up with one of Jenny's clients who took us out to a
local Cameroonian restaurant where we had delicious roasted fish, again with
This camp site is on a hillside, overlooking a large boy's boarding
school and we are awakened at 0530 each morning as they perform their ablutions
outside in the dark with much banging of steel buckets, followed by a series of
very loud clanging bells for breakfast, chapel etc. All this before my
normal getting up time of 0630!