Day 52: Boxing Day

Soutpiel Safari
John & Jenny
Sun 26 Dec 2010 17:22
Day 52: Sunday 26 December 2010. The Sleeping Camel,
Bamako, Mali. N12 37.525 W007 59.278 Distance driven 0 km
Mince pies and Christmas pudding for breakfast, just to continue the
unusual theme of Christmas. We had a great feast yesterday evening with
lots of goat, baked potato, roast carrots and onions, roasted pumpkin. I
enjoyed the goat but it was a little strong for some. Apparently, in the goat
market there were hundreds to choose from but all billies! What happens to the
females or are they all kept for breeding?
We have had a lazy day at the Sleeping Camel. I did maintenance on
the Land Rover this morning and Jenny has been doing editing work. I walked to
the local supermarket this afternoon but found it closed!
We have been talking with the guys who run the Sleeping Camel about a 10
day tour of the Dogon country and a visit to the music festival at
Timboctou. WE have always wanted to visit Timboctou but have been put off
by stories of bandits and terrorists. However, the Music Festival is an
International event and there will be lots of security, so it is an opportunity
not to be missed. We are not sure if we could stand three whole days of African
music, now 3 days on a river boat on the way back so we may try to do part of
the organised tour and part on our own.
We have also been looking at the next part of our trip after Mali - Burkina
Faso, Ghana, Benin, Togo and then Nigeria. We don't really want to go to
Nigeria but there is no way round and we need to go to Abuja for several of our
onward visas. We have decided to get as many visas as we can in Lome, Togo
to minimise the time spent in Abuja. Today's news is that there has been
a terrorist bomb incident in Jos, Nigeria with many dead - not
encouraging. It seems we are surrounded by terror and rioting in Ivory
Coast and Nigeria.