Day 12: Lazy day at Rio Jara camping

Soutpiel Safari
John & Jenny
Tue 16 Nov 2010 18:39
,Day 12: Tuesday 15 November 2010. Rio Jara
camping, outside Tarifa, Spain. Distance driven 0 km
We decided to have a day off and do various maintenance
jobs, sort out the vehicle etc. We stayed in bed as long as our bladders
would allow and had breakfast in the morning sunshine. The first set-back was
that the electricity was off most of the day which delayed the laundry - the
first since the UK! When it did come on, the washer worked but not the drier,
despite the attention of the resident mechanic and his big hammer.
Jenny had everything out of the truck and re-packed it
in a more logical manner and I attended to a few mechanical items, like quieting
down the squeaking back door. Were slowly finding things that we didn't
bring, either because we thought they were packed or we just didn't think of
them. Today's omissions were a length of hose to fill the water tank, and
clothes pegs! I'm sure a Moroccan souk will provide these essentials to life on
the road.
We passed the time with a few of the German residents
and then Jenny worked most of the rest of the day. This campsite is on a most
magnificent beach with about 300 m of sand between us and the sea. It is a
favourite with the windsurfing/kite surfing community but today was still and
windless so there were long faces all round in spite of the wonderful
sunshine. Only 15 km across the Straits of Gibraltar there are the
mountains of Morocco and in the Straits is a continuous procession of commercial
shipping with fast ferries threading across the east-west traffic. Quite
fascinating to watch in the sunshine.
Well, we are packed and ready to leave at 0800 tomorrow,