09:01.607'S 113:27.767'W Another quiet day on the ocean...

Hamble Warrior
Jamie Hickman
Thu 20 Apr 2023 23:57

Day 30


I think today may have been even quieter than yesterday! We have moved within 1500NM of Hiva Oa so that caused brief excitement aboard! We had a slightly below average run in darkness and above average in daylight meaning our days run as come in at a pretty standard 122NM


We had a very cluttered deck this morning with six flying fish in total, unfortunately for Meep most of them must have arrived early last night meaning they had to be given back to the sea, we did keep one fresh one though ready for his tea which should please him!


It has been another day of reading and watching Parks and Recreations on DVD. The sea conditions have eased a little more and it’s quite comfy aboard with just the odd few waves combining to set us off rolling for a few minutes. The fishing reel continues to be quiet so we will soon have to start discussing tea that doesn’t involve fresh fish which once again is a shame!


Hamble Warrior continues to carry on merrily without complaint, touch wood that continues. We have nearly run out our first water tank now, meaning we have another slightly bigger tank plus all of our cans. I would hope we can manage for another five weeks if needs be without any rainfall, we are obviously hoping to make landfall much sooner than this though. It’s handy to arrive with a good reserve as we don’t wish for water collecting on arrival to erode our drinking time!!


That’s about all we have to report I am afraid, we continue to have sunny days and overcast mornings and evenings. Very much trade wind sailing at its most enjoyable although we won’t complain when we arrive and have to give it up for a while in favour of a full nights sleep in a still bunk, eating from a plate that doesn’t slide around and taking walks longer than 12 metres in length!


Till next time