The last leg 14:27:17N 58:36:52W

is it. The very last leg. The final 150 miles! With a bit of luck tomorrow's
blog should be an incoherent babble of excitable gibberish announcing our
arrival into Martinique. The
strong winds began to ease a little through the night although the sea state
remained uncomfortable and we continue to be slammed around when trying to make
meals or move about for any reason aboard. Breakfast
this morning was interrupted with another rain squall but since then the skies
have cleared considerably and through the course of today the wind has eased a
little to around 18-21 kts; piping up occasionally to 25+ kts but only for
short spells. We
have continued to manage our sail plan with a view to reducing Hamble Warrior's
"surfing" but we still have the occasional surprise where we come off
a wave side ways and find ourselves heading beam-first downwards at over 10kts.
Overall though I'm pretty sure we are much more comfortable than yesterday. Jamie
cleared the decks of flying fish this morning. There were a surprising number
of very tiny ones; a small school that had rather unfortunately beached
themselves on our side-decks. Jamie picked the larger one and threw the others
back so Meep has a little treat for later and I guess with it being Friday we
will probably have some of our zero beers and a bit of a party; Friday Night
Works Drinks style! Our
daily run calculated at 2pm was 162.5nm which is the second best day's run
behind yesterday. Jamie has suggested that we are lighter than when we set off
as we have probably consumed 350-400 litres of the water we are carrying and
there will be fresh produce and other groceries and canned drinks to taking
account as well so we should be making our fastest speeds now! Yesterday
was quite a low point for us; we were both so tired and the final push felt
overwhelming but today we are in a totally different place; we are excited
about arriving and having both had plenty of sleep last night we are coping
much better with our daily routine. It's incredible how mentally challenging
this has been - for both of us it has probably been the biggest undertaking of
our lives and it is without trepidation that I look forward to the next stage
of our adventure where we don't utter the phrase "when we cross the
Atlantic" a dozen times a day. I appreciate that there will be just the
barest reprieve; possibly a matter of hours before that statement is replaced
with the words "when we cross the Pacific" but I shall relish it
while it lasts! We
will continue to update our blog with our onward travels as frequently as
possible but at this stage in our trip it feels like the right moment to
express our gratitude to a few special people. We
are, of course, grateful to ALL of our friends and family that have encouraged
and supported us to get to this point. Especially our closest family whom, we
are sure, would much rather we'd stuck to our day jobs. We
have been able to set up and share this blog; as well as download emails from
home and most importantly access up to date weather forecasts thanks to the
satalite equipment that Jamie's parents kindly bought for us. We
have also carried with us a Garmin inreach phone which has not only served as a
reliable back-up to our satalite phone system but also allowed us to subscribe
to a texting service to exchange short messages with friends and family. This
was the incredibly generous gift of our friends Laust & Monika. Friends
Nigel & Alison provided us with daily weather forecasts and suggested
passage plans which have allowed us to pick the best possible route across and
corroborated the forecasts that we have been downloading on-board. Their help
and support goes back to long before the start of this crossing where they
shared with us their wealth of first-hand experience in ocean sailing and their
advice, support and enthusiasm for our trip has been utterly fabulous. Finally
my Sister Claire, Hamble Warrior's official "Head of Communications"
who has not failed to keep our spirits high and keep us entertained for 21
consecutive days with her colourful emails, news and updates from home. For
every word we have written she has written two. Despite balancing a business, a
family AND a 25,000 a-day "step habit" she has found the time to make
us howl with laughter and cheer us on when we needed it most. Our
deepest love and gratitude to you all. "Security does not exist in nature,
nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Life is either a daring adventure or
nothing." - Helen Keller |