08:06.330'S 102:58.150'W NO MORE EGGS!!!

Day 25 Last night was a peaceful night with the first galaxy
filled sky in several days, this tempted the captain to sleep in the cockpit.
We kept a reef in each sail but had no squalls and drifted along quietly
through the night. Saturday morning was filled as always with the Frank skinner
show podcast that is a feature of every Saturday but this week didn’t
include the other Saturday staple of my Dippy eggs. We had decided that the
lottery of boiling an egg unsighted was no longer in our favour and decided on
fried instead. We managed to extract a couple of good ones from the tray of 14
and had our breakfast. We discussed over breakfast that we were thoroughly fed
up of mopping up “sweating” fetid eggs and that we would hard boil
what are left, peel them and throw away the bad ones. This has left with three
hard boil eggs and we are very relieved to no longer have fresh eggs on board!! Yesterday also heralded the end of our last
grapefruit and therefore our last piece of fresh fruit, it will be tins from
now on! We still have plenty of tomatoes and cabbage, loads of onions and 4 or
5 portions of potatoes, should have got more potatoes but you live and learn! Tonight
we will start on our penultimate pack of Panamanian sausages so no shortage of
meat as well as plenty of cheese and yoghurt. All in all we have plenty of food
before we fall back onto a huge selection of tinned goods! The captain is very
much regretting not provisioning more margarine, we allowed plenty for general
duties but we didn’t allow for my apparent new found skill of baking
biscuits that appear to be the captains new favourite thing! We can probably
only manage one more batch or we wont have spread for bread etc. The days run has been a respectable 122NM, the wind hasn’t
really filled in today like the forecast had promised it would. It’s all
progress in the right direction though and fingers crossed we can get back into
the 130’s again tomorrow! It has generally been a very quiet day filled
with the usual boat tinkering, house chores and book reading. I finished my
10th book of the voyage so far, the captain also moved closer to completing
Super Mario! Tonight we are having West Indian MacPie (Baked macaroni
cheese) with panama sausage which we have been looking forward to for several
days. Hot cheese sauce on a bucking boat should mean an interesting time in the
galley though! We are chilling some apple juice that we will be filling the
place of Saturday night wine and the Ipod is charged to create our own little
Indie disco. Meep has a Tupperware filled with flying fish from last night so
all the crew will be celebrating in style! Nothing much else to report so we will sign out until
tomorrow. |