A small selection of photos from our journey so far 27:46.21N 15:41.61W

Hamble Warrior
Jamie Hickman
Mon 25 Oct 2021 12:22
  1. Captain in the atlantic
  2. Rest of the crew enjoying the atlantic conditions
  3. Meep checking out the Canary islands on arrival in Graciosa
  4. A productive week in Marina Rubicon
  5. Dorade boxes and cowl vents assembled and ready for installation
  6. Terrible conditions in Rubicon
  7. The perfect way to end a busy day
  8. Rowing ashore in Los Lobos
  9. Fleur in the beautiful clear water of Los Lobos
  10. Hamble Warrior at anchor in Las Palmas
  11. The beach and anchorage at Las Palmas
  12. Sailing into the anchorage at Anfi del Mar
  13. Meep is surprised at Saturday morning breakfast served at 4pm

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