Update for 18th June

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Thu 18 Jun 2015 00:58
It seems a long time since I wrote anything for the
various blogs, well here goes!
We have left Tonga and had an interesting sail and
transit through the reefs into an isalnd called Vanua Balava, where botht the
World ARC and ICA (its the Island Cruising Assoc of New Zealand) fleets were
both clearing into Fiji. This normally has to be into a port much further west,
Savusavu, Suva, Levuka or Lautoka. However, it seems that the leader of the ICA
John Martyn has a great rapport with the Fiji authorities and enabled our joint
fleets clearance by flying in the various customs, immigration and health
officials. his was a big help since the Lau group of islands in the East of Fiji
are vey beautiful and not many people get to see them.
We spent a few days there and then sailed in
company (actually mostly motored) with quite a few ICA boats to the island
of Taveuni, which is called the Garden Isle. Its very lush and green, maybe
thats why its raining at the moment. We had picked up a mooring, but we
were too close to the boat behind overnight as the wind increased to near glae
force, and so had to move off this and anchor near some coral in about 10 metres
of sand, whef, that was a relief, up a;; night fending off the other boat until
daylight came. Now sitting on the boat, too far away from the resort ti
use the wifi I bought last night, waiting to go ashore later for a meal, then
its forecast to get pretty windy again overnight.
At least yesterday evening we had the opportunity
to join in the feast at the Paradise resort and celebrate Brians (Brian Eagle
our buddy and crewmate) birthday..