Fakarava to Tahiti

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Sun 19 Apr 2015 16:31
Funny noght, should have been a straightforward
sail to Tahiti, it started well but in the middle of the night it started to go
wrong, very light and the wind abgle instead of being East is more North East
which means we arent sailing to where we want to go, hopefully it will go back
to East.
Fakarava was a great place to stop, the pass into
the lagoon was simple and the shleter was great. The local people were very
welcoming and there were some great, simple restaurants, called snack bars
there, but the fish Mahi Mahi was great as were the steaks. Its portrayed in
pilot guides as being commercialised, dont think they understand the
concept, its a great sleepy backwater, and very beautiful, I would go back again
Stella and I did a trial scuba dive, whcih went
really well, except my ears wouldnt clear and stella removed the skin from her
burn, ouch, so thats being looked after carefully now.
Tahiti promises to be a much more commercial place,
being very French influenced it should be chic, we will see. Some days on a
marina, first since Panama, should be interesting docking, but good to be able
to walk ashore etc.