Another Sunny Day

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Sat 14 Mar 2015 11:51
Great day sailing today, sun was out, hot in the
cockpit and down below, sea temp is around 28 deg C, wind 18 to 25 knots on the
beam, bliss, all we need to improve is for the tide to be with us.
After 8 days of sailing we are less than 20 miles
away from one boat Juno and less than 35 from Garlix. A Plus 2 is over
100 miles away but in distance to Hiva Oa, A Plus 2 are 20 miles behind us,
amazing how close some of us are. Further to the east several of the other
boats are similarly close together. Its great to have the SSB (short wave
Ham like radio) net, where we have a role call twice a day. As the fleet is more
spread out this is becoming more difficult, today Juno was the net controller,
and ourselves, Pentagram and Aretha were all helping out by relaying info from
other boats. Tomorrow, Saturday will be the same I am sure, and flollowing on
during the week also.
It looks as though the wind will start to drop over
the next few days, just about to download some forecast to see what will