\blog date 5-12-2014

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Fri 5 Dec 2014 14:16
Here we are again! currently in pos 1709N 4753W.
great nights sail last night, well on my watch. Good wind direction good, boat
speeding along happily. full moon to light up the sky and sea and no clouds.
Sunset last night saw my first green flash ever. What is this. You only get to
see it in lower latitiudes apparently, its to do with the refractionof the suns
light through the atmosohere as its setting. just as it sets if its clear enough
the top appears green, but very briefly, hence grren flash.
today is a different story, lots of cloud and rain
squalls, upsetting the windd and direction, currently heading towards Trinidad
and Tobago, not great. StellaBrain and myself had a shower in one of the
squalls, very refreshing, cold in fact, in our swim wear of course!
Thats all folks, John