two contrasting days on the way to the Marquesas
Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Fri 13 Mar 2015 11:41
Wednesday was a
funny day, full of minor squalls with not too much wind but plenty of showers.
Four of us managed to get a shower in the rain, leaving only dirt Dain, bit like
a comedy version of East Enders, for anyone that remembers Dirty
Yesterday was a lovely moonlight night followed by
a sunny day all day, not too many clouds and great progress made. Yes Brian it
does look easy, its been a bit choppy, but you would be enjoying this, hope all
is well back home.
We passed the halfway mark yesterday and celebrated
in style with some extra chocolate bars.
Stella has been wondering why we have all the
chocolate still, then remembered that Kieron isn't on board, so thats
By yhe end of today, our time we should be 60% of
the way there, the time seems to be slipping away rapidly.
We hear that there are some major storms near
Vanuatu, heading for New Zealand, hopefully they don't alter course, or affect
our weather.