Blog date 30-11-2014

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Sun 30 Nov 2014 12:44
Hello, we are currently at pos 1804N 3534W and from
about 0400 this morning the wind has gone very ight from the E, which is not
great. We were sailing all night heading roughly for New York, not where we want
to go, and then as it went really light we tried to sail on but it was pretty
hopeless, so at 1000 we furled the genoa and put on the engine. Now doing 6 kn
towards our destination.
When we start motoring we usually pull the Duo gen
out of the water - this is a unit with a generator at the inboar (dry) end and a
propellor on a shaft in the water, and its been producing lots of free electric
for us on the boat, however in the last two days its hasnt quite been keeping
up. We now know why. Roger lost a lure to a fish, we assumed, but not it caught
some plastice which then snagged around the duo gen propellor. Thats off now and
when we start sailing again should keep up with our electrical needs -
No dolphins or whales in last 24 hours, alsthoug
Stella got hit by something, at night, assumed a flying fish (Exocet) and
eventually I did find a timy tiddler of an Exocet, somewhat dead
Thats all folks John