Galapagos to Marquesas 16/17th March

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Tue 17 Mar 2015 11:37
A frustrating night last night, I chose to run with
the Asymetric spinaker, big mistake, because when we had to drop it, we then had
to run with the genoa in its normal position, and not ploed out on the other
side, what many cruisers call wing on wing, ie mainsail one side, poled out
genoa the other. Its much easier to set this all up in daylight rather than the
dark, so we went for 6 or 7 hours in a direction well away from our destination,
oh well hindsight is great. Tonight, so far has been a great improvement.
For much of the last 24 hours we have had Garlix the XP44 owned by Jens and
Dagmar within a few miles of us, either visible or on AIS. They are heading a
bit more north than us, and so they are now out of range to the AIS, as is Juno.
Its interesting that after 13 days of sailing there are 5 boats all roughly
within approx 50 miles of each other, even though our routes have been often
quite different, as are the boats, ranging from Makena, the 62 foot long Lagoon,
to an Oyster 575, Amel 54, XP44 and ourselves.