Blog date 6-12-2014

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Sat 6 Dec 2014 15:15
It rained a lot yesterday, but still warm. the
clouds mess the winds up a lot and for the night watches it was quite
trying, I was lucky, mine were pretty good but the other three all had shifty
winds and or rain.
Still a lot of sea weed around, we can only assume,
since its alive, that it grows out here and then setlles where it lands? But it
stops us using our tow generator, needs pulling out more often than leaving in.
This means we have to use our diesel generator, not a big issue but would prefer
to be green using the winds energy, never mind.
Came acorss another boat last night before midnight
I think, it was 11 miles ahead, we are now level with them, tunrs out from the
AIS its Maria of Stockholm, called them on the VHF and they ahve a few problems
with their mainsail boom so intending to put in to Barbados to effect repairs,
its a Hanse 47 for those interested.
Still no fish!