First night from Las Perlas to Galapagos

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Sat 14 Feb 2015 18:51
Well that was fun, not. Forecast was for 20 - 25 kn
gusting to 30kn, but we had gusts to 40 and steady state fpr some hours of 30kn,
fortunately from behind, and with 3 reefs and a small amount of headsail out the
boat was well balanced and not moving too violently. We did hit 18.9 knots of
speed via GPS, but only 15.5 knots of speed on the log, either way by midday
today we had achieved 230 nautical miles. A record for us, but helped no end by
2 knots of tide with us.
Stella is wondering where her flowers are, its
Valentines Day and its the first time in 30 plus years that she hasn't had any
flowers from me, where is that Interflora helicopter, I did order them,
Currently we have gybed to try to keep into some
wind, its only 12 to 15 kn and if we go further west we will have zero, so
trying to keep some wind and kepe an eye out for squalls.