Shelter Bay Marina

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Thu 29 Jan 2015 03:06
Arrived yesterday in Shelter Bay Marina, crossing
all the traffic in and out of the canal, busy anchorage, not too much traffic,
fortunately. Very tight spot in the marina, only a small scratch, shoulnt be too
difficult to repair. Themarina is on the site of the Fort Sherman US Marines
barracks, not in use since 1999 when the US relinquished control of the canal.
Lots of derelict buildings, some look almost new.
Today we had the admeasurer on board to check our
capabiltiy to transit the canal, very nice chap, thorough but friendly, all
ok. Next trying to find a fitting for the watermaker, no luck, wasted a
couple of hours trying. Managed to change the impellor on the maain engine
before headinf off at 1300 to viit the Gatun Locks, where we pass through on
Sunday evening. The visitor centre is just a stand overolloking the locks, but
it was amazing to see several Panamax vessels lining up and then entering the
three lock system. Quite astounding, they are so huge, and then on \sunday we
little boats do the same.
Following this our driver look us to the San
Lorenzo national park and the very ol Fort, Spanish from the time of Drake etc.
there are monkeys but none seen today. But Dain did spot a possible Crocodile,
they are around here.
Tomorrow the