Blog date 22-11-2014 Pos 1825N 2241W
Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Sat 22 Nov 2014 13:52
Here we are again, a quiet night after a pleasent
sail yesterday afternoon, we were still going south west and couldnt run to the
west because we would slam too much in the 3 -4 meter swell. Brian saw our first
flying fish - or Exocet, we have seen lots since but not recorded any strikes
Over night we started to have much lighter
conditions, and started mtoring from 0200 to 0600 but then srarted sailing until
it went too light, aha launched the code zero, went from wallowing at 3knots to
speeding along at 5 to 6 knots, had to drop it as the wind rose, now we have 16
to 20 knots from the NE and we are flying along at 8 to 9 knots, duggie the
duogen is doing a grat job of keeping the batteries charged.
The mysterious ways of the SSB are reveaking
themselves, it seems we have a great radio and reasonable installation, most
people can hear us and we them, even done some relays. Before this week it was
pretty much a mystery to me.
thats it folks.