25th Jan Update

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Mon 26 Jan 2015 00:10
Spent a night in East Lemmon Cays, interesting
pilotage in, no way could it be done at night.
Not uch an interesting place as the Swimming Pool
but breezy and so cool.
We tested the water maker and converted approx 100
litres of sea water to drinking water, great technology, and very simple,
forcing water through a very very fine filter membrane. It takes approx 400
litres sea water to make 100 litres drinking water .It was a test in case there
were any issues so we could fix in Panama, just as well since one fitting leaks
and needs replacing.
Today we headed over for the rendevous at Chichime.
This we had been advised was not such a safe or great place, in the event it was
perfectly OK. Nice very sheltered anchorage to the south of the island and very
friendly welcome from the Kune indians who live and operate the island as a
tourist destination.
Stella, Dain and I had a swim around the boat,
while Brian injured hos other foot on the bathing ladder anchor
Off to Porvenir to check in to Panama, then on to
Islas Linton and Tuesday Shelter Bay marina.