San Blas moving on

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Sat 24 Jan 2015 21:19
All the World Arc boats were on the move today,
most of were in an anchorage called the Swimming Pool, and about half went to an
island group called Coco Banderas, and six of us went to East Lemmons and an
anchorage just south of Yansaladup. interesting pilotage to get here but
worthwhile. tomorrow we expect to all meet up in a place
called Chichime.
On our way here we passed a lot of other smaller
islands, where there appears to be a strong tourist trade developing. lots
of tents, backpackers and locals using fast boats to get from one island
to another. It does seem that this whole area is getting
very commercialised and thus spoilt, big shame.