Blog date 2-12-2014

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Tue 2 Dec 2014 13:41
Hello world, today is a nice
sunny but not too hot a day. Lots of Exocets whizzing around (flying fish to the
unititiated). We are now on port gybe with 2 reefs in the main, making 250T at 7
kn. I understand there are a lot of likes on the face book page, thanks to all
of you, and especially Andrew Ford for uploading these blogs.
Looks like another 8 or so days until we arrive in
the caribbean, but at least the miles are coming down.
Not too uch else happening, except I overheard a
conversation between two of the Challenge boats in the ARC, spoke to Challenge
four afterwards, they are about 25 miles nnorth of us, not far really.
There are 16 on board with lots of water for showers etc, we havent showered
since Weds, although I did have a wash today, whether I needed it or not!
second or third one since last week.