Left Galapagos!

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Thu 5 Mar 2015 02:59
Well certainly a place to remember. Initially, due
to all the red tape etc I was not looking forward to arriving here, what with
all the requirements to have zero hull fouling, to be very environmentally aware
etc. The actual outcome was very pleasant, very easy going officials, a great
agent and some great visits. The Kicker Rock visit was heralded as the best one
to do, and it certainly was, the snorkeling was fantastic, even Stella loved it,
swimming with sharks, even some hammerhead ones, turtles etc, amazing. Best
island though was Isabela, very much not developed, whereas the ports of both
San Cristobal and Santa Cruz are much more developed than one would have
expected. All told, very enjoyable, and many thanks to Paul Tetlow for his
deligence in preparing us for the inspection regime and his superb way of
organising things. He will be missed by our fleet and by successive ones, we
wish him all the best for whatever he ends up doing. Over now to Victor for the
French Polynesia part of the trip, we are looking forward to arriving in the
Marquesas group of islands, and our first island of Hiva Oa!