Heading for where?

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Fri 15 May 2015 10:57
We left in a hurry yesterday after seeing the
latest weather data, seems about 10 of us did from either Bora Bora or Raiatea.
Originally we planned on leaving Thursday and heading straight down the rum line
to Niue, there was a small weather system but way to our south, what chnaged our
minds was that the weather system had moved North and that we wanted to be out
of its strongest winds. So our current course has been West or NW to try to get
further North than ideal but should be out of the way of the bad
Means if all goes well we get to Niue on Weds or
Thursday next week, missing out Suwarrow to hopefully catch back up with the
Niue is one of those places whuch is an independent
countyr, but in the middle of no where, its a small island approx 20 miles to
drove around, with no harbour or anchorage, they have laid some 20 mooring buoys
for visiting yachts and are very welcoming. Their supplies are brought in by a
ship and then transferred by lighter (look it up) to the shore, so should
be a fascinating place.