We have left French Polynesia

Exocet Strike
John & Stella Dyer
Thu 14 May 2015 08:43
Sad to say but after nearly 8 weeks we set sail
today from French Polynesia, last port of call was Bora Bora. this was our
original last port but due to some issues WARC changed it to Raiatea. We left
Raiatea on Sunday, but due to forecast very light winds we only went as far as
Bora Bora, and we were glad we did, great island and two very welcoming 'Yacht
Clubs' Restauarants/hotels really.
We should now be on our way to an uninhabited
island called Suwarrow, about 680 miles from Bora Boira, but we figure since we
are late we will aim to get to the next place Niue, where the porgramme sounds
great. One potential problem is there is a bad bit of weather on Sunday,
so we may well divert further North than our current plan, we will be watching
this very carefully.If we do go norht it could be to Suwarrow or maybe Samoa, we
do at least have some options.
More tomorrow.