Passage Making - South Atlantic

Sun 5 Feb 2017 11:00

13: 04.55N 036:04.77W 

More adventures in the South Atlantic ensued.

We noticed that our enormous code Zero sail was beginning to show signs of wear with a few small visible tears developing. So we handed it and undertook our first ‘at sea’ sail repairs.

 Vicky and Arthur doing ‘sail repair’ on deck.

That excellent sail subsequently carried us all through the night at speed - we saw up to 23 knots in an unexpected gust and were sailing at over 9 knots until some hours later just after dawn in comparatively light wind - there was a very loud ripping sound.

 Arthur dealing with the aftermath- the sail is destroyed - just as well we have a new one on order to join our new main and mizzen sails picked up in Cape Town.

We are now only 145 miles off the Brazil coast and we have been joined, to escort us in, by a huge number of dolphins playing along near the bow and either side of us. There must be more than a hundred of these amazing animals.
 Spot the dolphin. Without doubt they react to us making lots of noise to greet them. This lot were jumping clear of the water and upon reentry slapping their tails with a great bang on the surface of the sea.