Approaching Galapagos

Tue 16 Feb 2016 19:41
022:22.22N 85:33.44W.

After absorbing plenty of advice written and verbal as to how best to sail from Las Perlas [Panama] to Galapagos [Ecuador] we set off through eh Las Perlas Islands South West and elected to take the more direct Western route. The fleet split —— were we right??

In the end it transpired that we were - happy skipper, happy crew!

We sailed on and on - some were qualified to survey the scene.Some relaxed.

WILD LIFE: Vicky spotted a whale which obligingly came near alongside and breached and blew and decided to leave us diving under the boat. We also saw sharks - (we decided to curtail free swimming from the yacht for a bit), an albatross [Will H], dolphins, terns and of course millions of flying fish being hunted down by Boobies.

 We were joined by Blue billed Boobies who first colonised our spinnaker pole and later when all the friends and relatives found there was a party on CARANGO.Then the real party began on the foredeck - all nigh rave - with Guano!