Huge pod of dolphins played with us for a time yesterday - must have been 60 to 80 of them. We identified them by size colour and behaviour as Indopacific bottlenose dolphins. Great sight.

Then ‘mares tails’ in the Northern hemisphere signies a coming change in weather - but here in the South - who knows?

We do now. Carango has just been through the mother and father of an electrical storm - spare navigation system shoved in the microwave to act as a faraday cage and all hands on deck. Radical wind shifts, wind from 30 knots to zero and back, wind from North, then West and East within minutes. Carango lost her autopilot for a second and was heading back to Madagascar. grabbed the helm and righted her on course back to the South African coast South of Lorenzo Marks and Swaziland to the Northern tip of the South African coast. Water everywhere in torrential rain, visibility cut to just about zero.
Willi was equally brave and stoic cooking all bacon and eggs for breakfast down below - seemingly unaffected by the raging storm. That was a real morale booster so all thanks to him.