The Salt Marshes and Flamingos of Isola di Pietro

Sat 16 May 2015 09:33
On our return struggle against the wind (hurricane almost) we discovered the salt marshes.
These now sadly redundant slat marshes were Government controlled and entry forbidden - shades of the British Raj and Ghandi’s march spring to mind. Salt must have been a major asset. These marshes were industrialised in 1738 and they were progressively mechanised. 
The remains of the machinery and even a light railway now lies rusting on the banks. One can image the last shift of perhaps Gueseppi and his brother Massimo - they oiled the spindles and set the the mighty machine to ret and plodded home to there cottage only to be told they were not required again to work - try fishing!

Now the flamingos and other water fowl have taken up residence in their thousands
These very amusing birds all fishing in the mud and constantly harrying each other for position seemed very content to have taken over the business of managing the marshes.
Time for a strawberry gelati!Could this be an Orlando early enterprise.