31st January

Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Fri 1 Feb 2013 01:36
22' 38.62 N
069' 32.95 W
So now we are down to 3 people, no more days off.
So now who ever is doing the 8am- 11am does all the cleaning. 11am - 2pm cooks
lunch, 2pm - 5pm does some ciffing of rush marks and 5pm - 8pm cooks tea. Its
been working out quite well. Means now that we get the whole time between
watches to chill out instead of making time to cook or clean.
Yesterday we had more dolphins, pretty big ones,
common dolphins.Always amazing to watch. Playing with the boat.
We made really good distance aswell. We did 165nm
within 24hours. thats averaging around 7knots.
Early hours this morning and all of today the wind
had beeing slowly dieing. By tonight i think we will be motoring..
Today has been a good day for wildlife. First off
all woke up to the tiniest flying fish chilling on the deck. Also on Robs watch
he saw 2 whales. An Adult and a little one! I dont get how he notices these in
waves and they were pretty far away. Then around 5pm we saw another whale. It
was massive. Playing with the boat. Swimming right behind us then swimming
passed us and turning onto its side. A couple times it swam out of the water
showing us just how big it was. Also, we saw its face!! Rob kept trying to
get a photo but every time he put it back on charge the whale would come
out the water again... It was incredible. It must have stayed woth us for a good
few hours!
Now we are into the night time, The wind has died
off even more and it is pitch black, still havent seen the moon yet.. But on the
plus side the stars look amazing. sooo bright!
5389nm Done
1237nm to Annapolis