Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Sat 14 Aug 2010 15:07
Dont panic mum but........It was a dark and stormy night... i know ive said it before but this time... this time...
 It was a DARK and STORMY night... A night so dark, so black... The rain beating down, stiinging at your senses (at moments it was like sailing through niagra falls,)  wind howling, turning the lashings of rain into mini bullets driving into our skin... The wind whipping around disorientating us all in the darkness, the swell throwing us around as if we were a marble in a washing machine...Now were sailing the great Atlantic Ocean...
36 knot squalls, rain and swell from all directions, twas fun!!! and Anthony says the real big winds are coming this afternoon...
Hope your all well...
[Anthony was misquoted - see below]
ne paniquez pas, oui nous avons eu de tres fort vent j etait au commande du bateau le vent est aller jusqua 36 noeuds mais le bateau etait pret les voiles etait mise pour des vents de 35 noeuds et nous avons eu une perioide de 10 minutes de vents tres fort accompagne de pluie, encore une fois je suis surpris de la facon que ce bateau attaque les vagues qui viennent de tout bord tout cote, mais je pense que toi line t aurai eu un petit peu peur, disons que plusieurs chose m ont traverse l esprit, mais apres nous avons eu des vents de 20 noeuds et ceux la c est de la petite biere, donc ne vous en faite surtout pas pour moi le bateau est tres securitaire et a demontre de grande habilite dans une mer en furie, attendez de voir les photos c est comme dans les films,ou le bateau reapparait apres une grosse vague et le dessus des vagues souffle par le vent tout un effet visuelle a vous demander qu est ce que je fais ici, surtout que le caoitaine avait dit lorsqu il fera pas beau nous ne serons pas la et bien oui il a menti. je retourne me coucher j ai vecu assez d emotion pour l instant , Bon courage et suivez de tres pres le reste de l aventure, gros bisous Rene le Marin,
Our forecast for this afternoon is 30 knots, the biggest sustained winds we will see. Not, actually, 'real big' wind. Quite different to the squalls which give us a sudden, brief kicking. Last night's squall happened as we were leaving the (light wind) centre of the low. Much more dramatic than the usual squalls, made worse by a pitch black night where sensory deprivation can be very disorienting. Fortunately the sailplan of the boat was set up for us to take 40 knots last night (very boring sailing when the breeze is only 15 knots). Now the sky is lightening with small patches of blue appearing, our first signs of wind decreasing. We have had no squalls since early morning. We have a magnificent sea, slate grey with whitecaps tinged by aquamarine. 2 metres hign with a nice long swell. The boat is performing well. We have 3 reefs in the main and 1/3 jib and it all feels nicely controlled.
Position at 1200 UTC 14 August
37 43.500n
058 23.200w
24 hour run 116nm
Wind NE F6