Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Tue 3 Aug 2010 16:43
Je regrette je ne comprand pas...Parlez vous
Thats better... today its shower day although he
might have sent todays so in that case yesterday was shower day... either
way right now im thinking about he best way to use my 10litres to wash my hair
and shave my legs... hmmm...(suggestions on a postcard please..) i'd quite
like to jump in the sea to get fully wet then at least im halfway there..
but apparrently its a bit swelly today and i wouldn't like to end up like the
maybe i'll get someone to pour a bucket of sea
water over my head... well i'll figure something out and let you know how
successfull i was... aside from this dilema the past couple of days have been
glorious sunshine, Glorious!!!lightwind downdwind sailing not so glorious but
you cant have everything all together..