26 March

Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Sat 26 Mar 2011 12:15
Position at 1200 UTC 26 March
27 11.445n
045 01.963w
24 hour run 109 nm
Wind SW F3
Last night the wind filled in a little and we have been sailing at a steady
pace giving us a reasonably respectable 24 hour run,
We finished tha last of our salads yesterday and today have been debating
over the merits of baguettes filled with tuna or bacon and cheese for lunch.
Tomorrow I think I will make some more bread and we will have that as a Sunday
Much warmer now and we are seeing lots of flying fish. Alexa amost was hit
by one as she stood next to the wheel - about 2.5m above the water!
No ships, no dolphins, no whales - just blue sea, blue sky and and a little
sprinkling of small puffy cumulus. |