25th December
Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Tue 25 Dec 2012 11:44
43' 39.6 N
005' 44.8 W
La Rochelle, France to Annapolis,USA
Crew - Warren, Hannah and Rob to join us
So after a very quick turn around from the last
transatlantic we managed to fly into La Rochelle on the 21st and get all the
shopping done, pad down the boat, water tanks filled, fuel up etc... and get
sailing the morning of the 23rd heading for Madeira.
First leg across the Bay of Biscal, first technical
hitch, the fuel level still sits on empty with a full fuel tank. Interesting...
Other than that, powering on both engines 2000 revs to give us a good
Warren is the firdt victim to get sea sickness but
he is powering on through.
Its pretty chilly, definitly playing the game of,
how many layers can you get on and still be able to move! I for one have managed
4 so far, but definitly room for more!
Its Christmas Day!! Stopped off in Gijon early
hours to shelter as the winds and waves were pretty high. We had an eventful
night in big swell, and can relax a little, fuel up and get going again about
lunch time. Smoked salmon, scrambled eggs and a bit of fizz for brunch, chicken
and roast spuds for Christmas dinner later followed by mince pies and cream,
yum!! Christmas songs playing! :)
Setting of around the coast of Spain, heading for
Merry Christmas!!