Janneau 57 17 March

Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Sat 17 Mar 2012 14:24
Position at 1200 UTC 17 March
41 45.6n
006 498.8e
27 hour run 180nm
Wind SSE F3
110 nm from Sardinia
Day 2!!!Saturday, we didnt blog day one, but I'll give you the gist... we left bright and early expecting to find light winds backing after a couple of hours to set us on a nice reach on course... We found head winds exeding 20knots and swell with nasty banging waves...so we have been motoringsailing for the first 28 hours of this trip...
However i was just getting my head down after lunch when i heard the beautiful sound that is the engine being slowed to neutral.... Anthony was hoisting the sails... Quick as a whip i lept from my bunk, to go help him... there was no need this boat is the ultimate in lazy sailing we have four big electric winches and an in mast furling system so the hoist was just the unsatisfactory pressing of a couple of buttons...
But we are now sailing!!! yay!!!
This boat is hilarious...Trinnie and I are sharing a cabin which I swear apart from the lower ceiling its bigger than my room in ipswich... It also has an extractor  fan above the hob, a microwave, a cockpit drinks fridge, a television that appears as if from no where AND hidden beneath one of the cream leather sofas in the saloon a drinks cabinet made from perspex and mirrors!!! this is my big fat gypsy boat!! haha!!! designed for sitting at anchor with Gin and Tonics!!!
and thats all so far.. Trina and I have both seen a dolphin, but its notquite bikini weather yet...
Please may someone post the link for this blog on my facebook and share it with the world... thanks!!