Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Thu 5 Aug 2010 12:05
Position at 1200 UTC 5 August
37 40.171n
040 36.778w
24 hour run 127 nm
Wind S F2
bonjour, il fait tres beau le soleil est au rendez
vous mais pas le vent, la mer est calme, les duuphins sont present, mais ma
camera est hors d usage la batterie ne veut plus se charger donc je devrai
compter sur les autres pour la prise de photo jusqu a la fin du voyage. il nous
reste 1780 mn pour se rendre au debut de la bay de chesepeake, si tout va bien
on devrai etre rendu vers le 18 aout si le vent veut bien nous aider un petit
peu, la vie a bord suit son train train quotidien je rescent moi de fatigue qu
au debut avec tout ses changements d horaires. la peche toujours zero depuis
notre depart de france moi qui leur avait dit que l on mangerai beaucoup de
poisson je pense que l on devra se tourner vers les cans de thon.Bon courage je
serai de retour avant la fin du mois si tout se passe bien, gros bisous a tous ,
Rene le marin......
Translation...by lex...
Rene said....hello, its very nice and sunny but no
wind and the sea is calm there are dolphins around but his camera
battery is not charging so he wont have anymore photos (i have told him to use
my camera) til the end of the journey... we only have 1780nm til Chesepeake bay
so he thinks we'll be there 18th august something about frogs legs,
garlic and baguettes...ok enough bored now...
In other news... 10litres it turns out is enough to
wash my hair with... and even do a quick once over with a razor..(legs not
So i had a lovely shower last night and this
morning anthony informed me i can go swimming after lunch and get all salty
again (only 3 more days to a shower!!)
New day new plan new route... this time are
heading south to make the most of the gulf stream and so we are sailing a lot
closer to bermuda than we thought we would be this time last week, so now we
have a 50/50 chance of stopping for fuel obviously not just fun in the sun in
bermuda... According to rene the chances are more 90/10 so we'll be watching his
steering a bit more closely.. haha..
Ok well i hope all is well wish you were here,
except then the boat would be very crowded...