Sweetest Thing
Anthony Richards
Tue 3 Aug 2010 11:47
Position at 1200 UTC 3/8
37 29.129n
035 17.762w
24 hour run 112 nm
Wind E F3
I should mention that, to set the record straight and in my defense, I did not hit the turtle. Because of the waves I only saw the poor creature when it was about half a boat length in front of us. Rather than hit it, I aimed the boat so that the turtle was between the two hulls. However, it was very comical when it popped out behind in the wash between the hulls. Flippers flailing, it looked like a kid who could not swim and had just been tossed in a swimming pool. 
Generally we try to avoid hitting anything floating in the water. Yesterday we went past a yellow rectangular plastic tray,  broken on one of the short sides so that it looked like a correspondence intray. Inside was a small brown fish about 5 inches long, feeding on the algy that was growing there.