
In Travemunde until May 2020
Nick Pochin
Sun 26 Jun 2016 11:29
position 59:27N 18:42E tied up to a small jetty in Ingmarso
We met Eva in Greece She had sailed her tiny yacht, a Halberg single handed from Svartso through the rivers and canals to the Black sea  and the Bospheros and Dardenelles .the engine(3.5 HP) was broken,the exhaust leaked fumes, the forstay was hanging off and the rudder about to. She had no money .We got the engine going and repaired the exhaust. In return Dave got a massage! We met again in Ibiza where her yacht was on the hard The shipyard managed to drop her whilst lifting her out. The rudder had fallen off> Dave fixed it and got another massage! Eva continued her adventure,sailing to Brazil and up the Amazon returning to the Carribean.The Rudder finally fell off and she was rescued and the boat sank.Now Eva lives in Svartso and runs a Hostel. With herfriends we had a great reunion with dancing and singing. We then sailed round to Svartso again anchoring and backing onto a small jetty .We were aground! We partied into the early hours I thought Norwegian day was wild but wow the Swedes can match them! Saturday  we said goodbye and set off for Landsort.