Tikka 6th June 18 position 36 26 104N 049 34 694W

Mon 4 Jun 2018 19:28
Tikka 6th June 18 position 36 26 104N 049 34
Hi all
We did very well yesterday evening we got
some distance south and winds subsided down to just below 30 knts so
we got back on course by dusk and covered 108 miles in the 12
hours midnight till noon, We have been keeping the pace all
day it will be interesting to see what are 24 hr run will be,
Barometer is back up to 1007. I have just done Tuna pasta lunch and im am
glad it has has stopped raining the the sun is shining but not enough
to dry our gear off yet.
I Have just been looking at the weather and it looks
like the wind is going to decrease in the next few days we are hoping
to get a good few 24hr runs but will wait and see.
There is not so much to keep us occupied in these big
seas. Back gammon is off so is Fishing and our daily film Matinee has been
put on hold. Malin has been teaching Augustin Swedish but we have mainly Have been reading