Back to Tortola - Sopers Hole.

Sat 12 May 2018 11:31
After a slow start to the day we sailed down to Sopers Hole, with the plan of filling our jerry cans with fuel for ready for the crossing (in case of little or no wind). Flying got there first (they had an earlier night than us!).
Sopers Hole has suffered in the aftermath of the hurricanes and looks like it has been abandoned - looked a bit like a ghost town, with boats smashed up on the shore. Whilst they they do have customs (albeit in a tent like Road Town), not much else is available including fuel, so it was time for a change of plan.
Decided to stop for lunch and then head off to Cooper Island for the evening. Fuel we will get either in Spanish Town when we go to Virgin Gorda or back in Cane Garden Bay which will be our last stop before we start the journey to Bermuda.