Tikka 17th June 18 position 43 56 248N 021 17 459W

Sun 17 Jun 2018 15:02
Tikka 17th June 18 position 43 56 248N 021 17
Hi All
We still have got very little wind currently 10
knots SW Barometer still sat at 1025 So we are heading north
trying to get above this high that is spreading to the uk hoping to find more
favorable winds tomorrow.
All have been keeping busy this morning we
have had a fried breakfast, Augustine made Bread And Malin has made caramel
biscuits'. Rob fitted the new shower pump he brought out for the aft cabin so we
are back to two showers and I'm running the water maker 2hrs a day which
seems to be fine for consumption of the five of us.
We are presently watching the 3rd of the pirates of the
Caribbean box set that Liz sent out with Rob.
So All is good on Tikka