Tikka 19th June 18 position 46 56 356N 016 46 233W

Tue 19 Jun 2018 11:01
Tikka 19th June 18 position 46 56 356N 016 46
Hi All
Well lovely surprise this morning Blue sky the wind
picked up in the night to 18 - 21 knots SSW Barometer 1020, so we are having a
cracking sail doing 8knts dead on course lands End
475 miles. We have dropped the Bimini and spray hood so
with the sun getting in the cockpit it feels a lot warmer.
Ive just made some bread which is doing its thing in the
engine room as air temperature has dropped so cabin temp doesn't seem adequate
Rob has been busy trimming sails all morning
trying to get a bit more speed and i thing we will put the kite up shortly its
nice to have a bit of breeze to play with again.