Tikka 21st June 18 posision 48 01 043N 009 35 100W

Thu 21 Jun 2018 11:14
Tikka 21st June 18 position 48 01 043N 009 35
Hi All
Well the sun is trying to show itself this morning it
would be nice if it came out because this North wind is damn cold!!
Blowing NNE 20 knots and is pushing us back towards Biscay we
have been beating in to it for 2 days now still trying
to pinch our way up north but i am starting to think we are going to
have to put a tack in today. Presently we are 200 miles SW of lands
We have run out of breakfast cereal and Bread so
Augustin is to doing fried breakfast with potatoes. And once
we have made some more water im looking fwd to a hot shower.