Relaxing in Bermuda and farewell to Loz

Sat 26 May 2018 14:47
Jobs done we set out to explore - we got a bus to Hamilton, picked up a few items from the chandlers, and had a wander round and then sat watching the cruise ships whilst having a G&T.
The following day we explored around St George’s - Augustin and Malin went for a hike round the coast, Graham visited the Bermuda museum, and Loz and Martin went to Tobacco Bay for a spot of snorkelling
We all returned to Tikka for a Thai night - all cooked onboard.
Thursday we decided to take Tikka down to the Dockyard near Hamilton so we could fill up on duty free fuel $0.63 per litre compared to $1.90 normally! We got there at 3.30pm to find they had all knocked off early as tomorrow is a public holiday. We anchored in the south basin which was built for the Americas Cup but isn’t really used much now, and took the opportunity to have a look round the Dockyard.
On Friday (Bermuda Day) we sailed round to Mangrove Bay on the west of Bermuda on the advice of the marina manager, and it was beautiful
We swam and snorkelled before taking Tikka back round to Hamilton Bay.
We anchored in Paradise Lake calm sea surrounded by lots of little islands, lots of local boats anchored and celebrating the public holiday, but as the sun went down the boats disappeared and we had the area to ourselves
As it was so calm we had a bbq and Malin baked some bread, and we watched the sunset
Saturday morning we started with a swim and then moved Tikka near to Hamilton town so Loz can get to the airport for her flight home this evening.